
the streets - a grand don't come for free

  Absolutely long awaited second ablum is releasing on 10 May !!!

  掂!THE STREETS (Mike Skinner) 最正既地方係可以生動又過癮咁描述城市生活,加上新鮮搶耳既音樂,絕加掂。 2002 年憑處男大碟 original pirate material 平地一聲雷亦都絕對唔意外。

   2004 年既 a grand dont come for free 冇爛尾繼續精彩繼續鬼馬,搞鬼既有 it was supposed to be so easy, not addicted 同 fit but you know it , 描述感情到生活的有 could well be in, dry your eyes, wouldnt have it any other way 。 辛辣既有 get out of my house, such a twat (twat 係粗口黎) , 其中 what is he thinking 既氣勢大有上隻碟 the irony of it all 既延續。 

  好似我呢 d 英文差既人最好 download 定歌詞,保正越聽越過癮!


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